
Confidentiality    (Adopted September 21, 2000.  Revised May 22, 2003; May 26, 2016)


Orrville Public Library recognizes that library records and patron information are confidential. It is our policy to protect the privacy of our patrons and to keep confidential any library records that contain identifying information or other confidential information concerning our patrons.

In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 149.432, library records and customer information (as defined in Ohio Revised Code Section 149.432) are confidential.  However, library records or patron information will be released in the following situations:

  1. Parents, guardians, and custodians will have access to their minor children’s records.
  2. In accordance with a subpoena, search warrant, or other court order, or to a law enforcement officer who is investigating a matter involving public safety in exigent circumstances.

Should a subpoena, search warrant, or other court order be issued, the staff should immediately refer the situation to the Director or in-charge designee.

Requests by a law enforcement officer for release of records under Ohio Revised Code Section 149.432 (B) (2) (b) shall also be referred to the library’s legal counsel for review so the library may receive guidance regarding what constitutes a matter involving public safety in exigent circumstances.


*   Staff should refer to procedure “Library requests by law enforcement personnel.”

  1. With the consent of the individual who is subject of the record or information.
  2. For library administrative purposes.