Throughout the year we offer weekly Story Times in a variety of age groups and time slots. Our Story Times offer young children and their caregivers an opportunity to enjoy stories, songs, rhymes, music, and age-appropriate crafts in interactive and inviting sessions with their peers.
Winter Story Times will begin the week of January 13 and conclude the week of February 10. Registration is required and begins on Monday, December 30. We also offer a drop-in Story Time (no registration needed) for all ages, newborn-grade 2, with a caregiver.
Spring Story Times will begin the week of March 3 and conclude the week of April 14. Registration is required and begins on Monday, February 17. We also offer a drop-in Story Time (no registration needed) for all ages, newborn-grade 2, with a caregiver.
Registration can be completed on our website calendar. To register, click on the age group you are interested in. Registering for the first event in a session will register you for the whole series. You can also register by contacting the Children's Department at 330-683-1065.
Click the graphic below to see past Story Time videos.