Gifts to the Library

Gifts to the Library    (Adopted September 21, 1989.  Revised March 23, 2017)


The Orrville Public Library reserves the right to accept or refuse gifts to the library based on benefit gained by the library.  Once a gift has been accepted by the library, the library will determine disposition of the gift.

Books, records, furnishings, etc. accepted by the library may be disposed of in one of three ways:

  1. Items are used by the library or sold by the library (proceeds go into the library’s General Fund or Endowment Fund.)
  2. Items are donated to Orrville Public Library Friends or other non-profit, charitable organization.
  3. Items are put into recycling or solid waste disposals.

The library will not determine value or appraise items for the purposes of income tax donation or other needs.  Upon request, the library will issue a letter stating that a gift of approximately XX number of boxes of used books, e.g., was received by the library from said donor.


Artwork    (Adopted April 23, 1998.  Reviewed March 23, 2017)


If an individual or organization wishes to donate artwork to the Orrville Public Library, the artwork will be accepted or declined on the same basis as any other donated gift.  A committee composed of the Director, a library staff member, a board member and a representative from the community will meet to determine whether or not to accept the artwork.  The library reserves the right to display, sell or dispose of artwork as best benefits the interests of the library.

The library also reserves the right to request that an endowment or cash contribution accompany the donated artwork in order to pay for periodic maintenance or restoration needs.  In addition, the library shall be held harmless in the event the artwork is damaged or stolen.